About the Firm

“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”
Babe Ruth
Small firm BIG impact. Important legal matters demand representation by attorneys with ethical workpractice, specialized knowledge, and diverse experience. Large full-service law firms can have these qualities, but with serious trade-offs. In a large law firm, partners with impressive credentials and experience are generally not available on a regular basis even to their biggest clients. Overstaffing by junior attorneys exacerbates these firms’ already-high billing rates. Boutique law firms – smaller, single-specialty firms – offer an attractive alternative featuring highly qualified and experienced senior attorneys who focus on client service, contact, and relationships with a lower overhead reflected in their billing rates.

“However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally
look at the results.”
Winston Churchill
Always look at the solution not the problem. Learn to focus on what will yield results. Our strategy is relationships foster communication; communication yields results - no smoke and mirrors, no run around. Your case is handled by the expert attorney you hired. You contact us; you get a response within 24 hrs. We keep you up to date on the progress of your case so that you know we are fighting for your best interests. If litigation is necessary our clients know that when their day in court comes they are backed by solid research, extensive analysis, and careful preparation. There will be resolution.